12 Must-Listen Podcasts on Social Media's Impact on Digital Marketing

Discover the impact of social media on businesses, our daily lives, and the world. Tune in to these 12 podcasts and gain a fresh perspective.

Jenn Pereira
December 14, 2023
12 Must-Listen Podcasts on Social Media's Impact on Digital Marketing

Are you eager to unlock the vast potential of social media for your business but don't quite know where to start?

As an expert digital marketer with years of hands-on experience, I have decoded the complex world of social media marketing and identified the strategies that truly work. I am excited to announce a forthcoming blog post series that will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to master social media marketing.

But before we dive deep, let's warm up! I have curated a list of 12 insightful podcasts that spotlight the transformative impact of social media. These podcasts, hosted by industry leaders, will not only enlighten you about the power of social media but also set the stage for our comprehensive lessons to follow.

12 Essential Podcasts on Social Media and Digital Marketing

1. Social Media Marketing Podcast by Michael Stelzner (Listen here)

The Social Media Marketing Podcast is your weekly guide to navigating the ever-changing marketing jungle. Through in-depth interviews with leading marketing experts, the podcast delivers actionable tips and strategies to help you improve your social media marketing efforts. 

3 Lessons You Can Learn from the Social Media Marketing Podcast:

Discover new social media platforms and trends: Stay up-to-date on the latest social media platforms and trends to ensure you're reaching your target audience effectively.

Learn from the experts: Gain insights from leading social media marketers and learn how they're using social media to achieve their goals.

Get actionable tips: Implement proven social media marketing strategies to improve your engagement, reach, and conversions.

2. Marketing Over Coffee by John Wall and Christopher Penn (Listen here)

The Marketing over Coffee podcast provides a weekly dose of insights and strategies for businesses to succeed in today's ever-evolving marketing landscape. Through engaging discussions and interviews with industry leaders, Wall and Penn share their expertise on topics such as digital marketing, social media, content marketing, and brand building.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from the Marketing over Coffee Podcast:

Stay up-to-date on the latest marketing trends: Wall and Penn keep listeners informed about the latest developments in marketing, ensuring that businesses are equipped to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing environment.

Discover effective marketing strategies: The podcast delves into specific marketing tactics and techniques, providing actionable advice that businesses can implement to achieve their marketing goals.

Learn from industry experts: Interviews with marketing thought leaders and successful entrepreneurs offer valuable insights and perspectives, helping businesses gain a competitive edge.

3. The Science of Social Media by Buffer (Listen here)

With over 25,000 weekly listeners, The Science of Social Media Podcast is a valuable resource for marketers of all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Through a combination of expert interviews, case studies, and actionable tips, the podcast covers a wide range of topics, including: Social media strategy and planning, Content creation and curation, Social media advertising, Social media analytics and measurement and Building relationships and engagement.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from The Science of Social Media Podcast:

Understand the psychology of social media: Learn how social media influences human behavior and how to use this understanding to create effective marketing campaigns.

Develop a data-driven social media strategy: Discover how to use data to track your progress, measure your results, and make informed decisions about your social media marketing efforts.

Build a strong social media presence: Learn how to create engaging content, grow your following, and build meaningful relationships with your audience.

Listening to podcasts on social media marketing can equip your small business with cutting-edge strategies and insights; boost your marketing game now by tuning in to these valuable resources.

4. Social Pros Podcast by Daniel Lemin and Hannah Tooker Lane (Listen here)

The podcast brings together a wealth of expertise to guide you through the ever-evolving social media landscape. Together with their guests, they dissect current trends, debunk common myths, and provide practical tips that you can implement immediately.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from the Social Pros Podcast:

Gain real-world insights from industry experts: Learn from the experiences and successes of social media practitioners who are working on the front lines.

Stay up-to-date on the latest social media trends: Discover emerging trends and how to incorporate them into your social media strategy.

Debunk common social media myths: Get the truth behind common social media misconceptions and avoid making costly mistakes.

5. The GaryVee Audio Experience by Gary Vaynerchuk (Listen here)

The GaryVee Audio Experience is a comprehensive podcast that covers a wide range of topics related to business, marketing, and personal development. Through a mix of keynote speeches, interviews, and original content, Gary provides valuable insights and actionable strategies to help listeners achieve their goals.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from The GaryVee Audio Experience Podcast:

Embrace the power of personal branding: Learn how to build a strong personal brand that can attract opportunities and help you achieve your goals.

Understand the importance of self-awareness: Discover how to identify your strengths and weaknesses and use this knowledge to make informed decisions.

Stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing digital landscape: Gain insights into the latest trends and technologies and learn how to adapt your business and marketing strategies accordingly.

6. Online Marketing Made Easy by Amy Porterfield (Listen here)

With over a decade of experience, Porterfield breaks down complex marketing concepts into actionable step-by-step processes, making them easy to understand and implement. She covers a wide range of topics, including digital courses, list building, social media, content, webinars, and more.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast:

Break down big marketing strategies into actionable steps: Learn how to take complex marketing concepts and break them down into manageable steps that you can implement immediately.

Discover effective marketing techniques for various platforms: Gain insights into how to use different marketing channels, such as social media, email, and content marketing, to reach your target audience effectively.

Stay up-to-date on the latest online marketing trends: Keep up with the latest trends and technologies in the online marketing industry to ensure your business is always ahead of the curve.

7. Smart Passive Income Podcast by Pat Flynn (Listen here)

The Smart Passive Income Podcast provides actionable insights and strategies to help listeners create multiple passive income streams and achieve financial freedom. Through interviews with successful entrepreneurs and experts, Flynn shares valuable tips and techniques for building online businesses, generating passive income, and living a life of purpose.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from the Smart Passive Income Podcast:

Discover multiple passive income streams: Learn about various passive income opportunities, including blogging, affiliate marketing, and online courses.

Develop effective online business strategies: Gain insights into building a successful online business, from creating valuable content to marketing your products or services.

Implement proven marketing techniques: Learn how to use various marketing channels, such as social media, email, and search engine optimization, to reach your target audience.

Repurposing your content into different formats can help you reach more people and achieve your content marketing goals.
Easily repurpose your blog posts into captivating social media content with designstripe. Simply enter your URL, and our intelligent platform will generate a diverse array of visually appealing, on-brand content for your business. It's ready to be shared on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. Experience effortless content creation like never before!

8. The Content 10x Podcast by Amy Woods (Listen here)

The Content 10x Podcast provides actionable strategies and tips to help content creators maximize the value of their content. Whether you're a podcaster, blogger, or video content creator, this podcast will teach you how to repurpose your content into different formats to reach a wider audience and achieve your content marketing goals.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from The Content 10x Podcast:

Discover effective content repurposing strategies: Learn how to turn your existing content into new formats, such as blog posts into social media graphics or infographics, to extend its reach and engagement.

Identify the right platforms for your repurposed content: Understand which social media platforms and channels are most suitable for each type of repurposed content to ensure maximum engagement.

Create a content repurposing calendar: Learn how to plan and schedule your content repurposing efforts to ensure consistency and effectiveness.

9. Marketing School by Neil Patel and Eric Siu (Listen here)

Through their years of experience in the trenches, Patel and Siu share valuable insights on a wide range of digital marketing topics, including SEO, content marketing, social media, email marketing, conversion optimization, and more. They focus on practical, actionable strategies that can be implemented immediately to improve marketing results.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from the Marketing School Podcast:

Stay up-to-date on the latest digital marketing trends: Neil and Eric keep listeners abreast of the latest trends and developments in the digital marketing landscape, ensuring that businesses remain ahead of the curve.

Discover effective digital marketing strategies: The podcast delves into specific digital marketing tactics and techniques, providing actionable advice that businesses can implement to achieve their marketing goals.

Learn from industry experts: Interviews with marketing thought leaders and successful entrepreneurs offer valuable insights and perspectives, helping businesses gain a competitive edge.

10. Social Media Secrets with Rachel Pedersen (Listen here)

Pedersen shares expert tips on developing effective social media strategies, creating engaging content, building a strong following, and measuring results. Learn how to leverage social media to grow your business from $0 to $100k+ per year.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from the Social Media MBA Podcast:

Develop a data-driven social media strategy: Learn how to use data to inform your social media decisions and track your progress towards achieving your goals.

Create high-quality content that resonates with your target audience: Discover effective content creation strategies that will attract and engage your ideal followers.

Utilize social media tools and platforms effectively: Learn how to use various social media tools and platforms to maximize your reach and engagement.

11. The Creator Club by Katie Steckly (Listen here)

The Creator Club Podcast is a workshop-style show dedicated to teaching aspiring creators and entrepreneurs the latest strategies for social media marketing and content creation. Through engaging discussions, expert interviews, and actionable tips, Steckly shares her knowledge and insights to help listeners navigate the ever-evolving world of online content creation and social media marketing.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from The Creator Club Podcast:

Develop effective social media strategies for different platforms: Learn how to tailor your social media approach to specific platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and podcasts, maximizing your reach and engagement.

Create engaging and high-quality content that resonates with your audience: Discover practical tips for creating content that captures attention, sparks interest, and drives engagement across various platforms.

Stay ahead of the latest social media trends and news: Keep up-to-date with emerging trends, evolving algorithms, and platform updates to ensure your content creation and social media strategies remain relevant and effective.

12. The Social Media Lab by Agorapulse (Listen here)

The Social Media Lab Podcast is a weekly dive into the science behind social media marketing. Ayres debunks common myths and misconceptions, providing evidence-based strategies to help businesses succeed in the ever-evolving social media landscape.

3 Lessons You Can Learn from The Social Media Lab Podcast:

Understand the science behind social media marketing: Learn how social media psychology and behavior influence user engagement and decision-making.

Develop data-driven social media strategies: Discover how to use data to identify trends, measure your results, and optimize your social media efforts.

Debunk common social media myths: Separate fact from fiction and avoid making costly mistakes based on outdated or misleading information.

Bonus: Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi (Listen here)

The Own Your Future podcast may not specifically delve into social media marketing, but it offers valuable insights and strategies to empower listeners in their pursuit of personal and professional goals. Through thought-provoking interviews, Graziosi engages with some of the world's most accomplished individuals, who generously share their expertise on wealth creation, personal growth, and effective business leadership.

Lessons You Can Learn from the Own Your Future Podcast:

Take control of your time: Graziosi emphasizes the importance of time management and productivity, providing actionable tips on how to prioritize tasks, eliminate distractions, and make the most of your time.

Embrace financial literacy: Graziosi's guests share their knowledge on investing, budgeting, and debt management, empowering listeners to make informed financial decisions and achieve financial stability.

Unleash your potential: Graziosi encourages listeners to step outside their comfort zones, pursue their passions, and believe in their ability to achieve their dreams.

Your Turn...

Listening to these 12 insightful podcasts showcasing the transformative impact of social media can revolutionize your marketing. As social media constantly evolves, it offers opportunities for those who adapt and innovate. Tune in to marketing podcasts to learn, stay ahead, and unlock a world of possibilities. Embrace the future of marketing today!

Are you ready to elevate your brand to new heights with the power of social media? Eager to learn from the best and stay ahead of the curve?

Stay tuned for our upcoming blog post series and get ready to transform your marketing game. Subscribe now and let's together uncover the secrets of  successful social media marketing. 👇👇👇

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Integer ex felis, feugiat nec lacus nec, dignissim volutpat tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


Cras imperdiet erat eget molestie iaculis.

Donec ac est malesuada, placerat sapien a, viverra mi. Duis pharetra sem dapibus condimentum gravida. Sed ullamcorper elit tellus, eu vestibulum mi elementum at. Cras in viverra odio. Proin et tempus elit, vitae interdum augue. Phasellus commodo pulvinar erat, sed fermentum tellus faucibus nec.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse maximus ex in molestie mollis. Donec at ex et odio aliquam pharetra a vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Integer feugiat imperdiet varius.

Cras in viverra odio. Proin et tempus elit, vitae interdum augue. Phasellus commodo pulvinar erat, sed fermentum tellus faucibus nec.Pellentesque lacinia felis vel ligula pulvinar volutpat. Donec ultricies lectus nec turpis tincidunt, sed molestie sem gravida.

About the author :

Jenn Pereira, Growth Marketing Lead at designstripe, has 14 years of digital marketing experience and a proven track record of driving website traffic from 0 to over a million monthly visits. Her impressive portfolio of Growth Hack Case Studies demonstrates a systematic approach to achieving goals through creative & innovative ideas, strategic planning, and focused execution.

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