The Viral Post Anatomy: What Makes Content Go Viral?

Discover the viral post anatomy—what elements make content go viral. And learn the key elements to captivate audience and drive engagement.

Jenn Pereira
September 25, 2024
The Viral Post Anatomy

Ever wonder why some posts spread like wildfire while others get buried in the feed? In the fast-paced world of online content, every marketer, blogger, or social media manager dreams of creating a viral post.

But going viral isn’t just about luck—it’s often the result of understanding specific elements that make content irresistibly shareable. By analyzing past viral posts, we can identify the core ingredients that consistently contribute to their explosive success.

This article will delve into the anatomy of a viral post, examining what makes certain content spread like wildfire across social media and the web. From compelling emotions to the science of timing, you’ll learn how to harness these key elements to create your own highly shareable content.

1. Strong Emotional Impact

Emotion is at the core of every viral post. Whether it’s laughter, joy, awe, anger, or sadness, posts that connect with people on a deeper level tend to be shared more frequently. 

Think of the viral success of the "Ice Bucket Challenge." It not only raised awareness for ALS but also encouraged people to participate and share the experience. The emotional connection—helping a cause in a fun, engaging way—drove millions of people to share the challenge with their networks.

Examples of Emotions in Viral Content:

- Humor: Posts that make people laugh are among the most shared. Remember The Dress debate (Is it blue and black or white and gold?)? It was a light-hearted post that had the internet in stitches over a simple optical illusion.

- Awe and Inspiration: Inspiring stories or images, like those of human triumph or acts of kindness, pull at heartstrings. For instance, viral campaigns like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge leveraged both social responsibility and a sense of inspiration, pushing millions to share videos to support a good cause.

- Controversy: While not always advisable, controversial topics stir strong feelings like anger or outrage, which can lead to high engagement. Posts about social justice or political issues often see viral results because they ignite debates and prompt people to share their opinions.

Leverage emotional triggers carefully. While humor and inspiration work well, negative emotions like anger or sadness need to be handled sensitively to avoid backlash.

2. Relatability and Personal Connection

Content that resonates with people's personal experiences tends to gain rapid traction. Viral posts often tap into universal themes, allowing audiences to feel personally connected to the message.

A great example of relatability in action is Nike’s Instagram post featuring Diana Taurasi. The caption reads, “@DianaTaurasi if this is the last time, it was once in a lifetime.” This post taps into the personal connection fans have with Taurasi’s career. Whether or not this is her final game, the sentiment captures the feeling of witnessing a legend's journey. Fans who admire Taurasi or relate to her message of excellence and longevity are inspired to share the post, reinforcing the idea of a once-in-a-lifetime moment.

Examples of Relatable Viral Content:

- Memes: A humorous meme can capture the frustrations or joys of everyday life in a way that resonates with a broad audience. The Distracted Boyfriend meme, for example, became viral because people could relate to the comical scenario of attention diversion.

- Life Hacks: Posts that offer simple solutions to common problems, like easy DIY projects or kitchen hacks, often spread rapidly. BuzzFeed’s Tasty videos are a prime example—short, engaging videos showing step-by-step recipes that people can easily replicate.

- Shared Experiences: Posts that bring together people around shared experiences, such as parenting struggles or work-from-home challenges, generate conversation. Consider how Work From Home memes surged during the pandemic, reflecting a universal experience.

- Storytelling: Storytelling is a fundamental element in viral post anatomy. Humans are hardwired to respond to stories—they provide context, depth, and emotional connection. A post that tells a compelling story, whether through text, images, or video, has a far greater chance of resonating and getting shared.some text

  • Relatability – Tell a story that mirrors your audience’s life experiences. When readers see themselves in your story, they’re more likely to engage and share.
  • Conflict and Resolution – A classic storytelling arc—introducing a problem and then solving it—creates a sense of fulfillment for the reader.
  • Character-Driven Stories – Posts featuring real people and authentic emotions are more impactful than abstract concepts.

Create content that mirrors your audience’s personal experiences or celebrates significant moments. When people feel emotionally connected, they’re more likely to share and engage with your content.

3. Visually Engaging Content

With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, the importance of eye-catching visuals can’t be overstated. Viral content is often aesthetically pleasing, surprising, or innovative in its use of visuals.

Duolingo's TikTok post featuring their quirky owl mascot perfectly demonstrates how visual engagement drives viral success. In the video, Duolingo’s mascot “vibes” to a catchy song, creating an entertaining yet relatable persona for the brand. The simplicity of the video—just an owl having fun—combined with its humor and shareability, helped it gain traction quickly. By leveraging TikTok’s format, Duolingo has mastered creating visually appealing, lighthearted content that resonates with audiences and encourages sharing.

Examples of Visually Viral Content:

- Images & Infographics: High-quality visuals, like infographics or eye-catching images, are easy to share and often go viral on platforms like Pinterest or LinkedIn.

- Short Videos: Video content rules the internet, especially with the rise of TikTok and Instagram Reels. Viral short videos like Charlie Bit My Finger or the more recent TikTok Sea Shanty are simple but visually engaging. People can watch, laugh, and share them without investing a lot of time.

- Unusual Visuals: Posts that break the mold, challenge expectations, or use unexpected visuals can surprise viewers and make them more likely to share.

To make your content visually engaging, invest in creating unique and memorable visuals, like fun mascots or creative videos. Keep it simple, yet captivating, and make sure it aligns with the platform you’re using.

4. Brevity and Simplicity

In the age of information overload, attention spans are shorter than ever. For a post to go viral, it needs to convey its message quickly and effectively. The most shared content is often succinct, direct, and to the point.

Example: The viral post, "10-Year Challenge," in which users compared a current photo with one from 10 years ago, was simple, fun, and easy to participate in. The simplicity of the concept made it accessible to a wide audience.

Examples of Short, Viral Posts:

- Twitter Threads: Twitter is an excellent platform for concise yet powerful messages. Viral threads tend to be simple but packed with emotion or information. Think of tweets like Elon Musk’s one-word “Doge” post that spiked interest in Dogecoin.

- Snackable Videos: Platforms like TikTok thrive on short, easily digestible videos. TikTok's algorithm is designed to promote videos with higher engagement, so the more immediate the content's impact, the more likely it is to be shared widely.

- Quotable Quotes: Quotes are another form of easily shareable content. Inspirational or funny quotes that resonate with people’s emotions and experiences quickly find traction. Posts like “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” often get thousands of shares simply because of their concise and meaningful message.

Additional Tips:

While longer-form content has its place, viral posts often succeed because they get to the point quickly. Don’t overload your audience with too much information—keep it simple, punchy, and impactful. 

- Stick to One Key Message: Don’t overload your post with multiple ideas. Focus on one concept or point.

- Use Clear Headlines: A catchy, straightforward headline grabs attention quickly.

- Avoid Overcomplicating Visuals: Use minimal, clean designs that don’t distract from the core message.

5. Interactivity and Participation

Viral posts often invite the audience to participate, engage, or co-create content. When people feel involved, they’re more likely to share it with their networks, effectively broadening the reach.

Examples of Interactive Viral Content:

- Challenges: Think of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge or the Mannequin Challenge. These types of posts not only engage people directly but also create a viral loop where participants encourage others to join. People love a challenge—especially if it’s fun and shareable.

- Polls and Quizzes: BuzzFeed built its empire on viral quizzes like Which Harry Potter Character Are You? that encouraged people to find out more about themselves in a fun way. Similarly, polls on Twitter or Instagram Stories get people involved and generate immediate feedback, making users feel like their voice matters.

- User-Generated Content (UGC): Encouraging users to contribute their content is another powerful viral strategy. The #ShareACoke campaign encouraged people to share pictures of Coke bottles with their names on them, creating a viral chain reaction across social media.

Incorporate elements that encourage participation. Whether through a fun challenge, a poll, or a call to action, involving your audience will keep them engaged and invested in sharing the content.

6. Timing and Cultural Relevance

Timing plays a crucial role in whether or not a post goes viral. Viral posts often hit when a particular topic or trend is at its peak, riding the wave of collective interest.

Examples of Timely Viral Content:

- Topical Memes: When Bernie Sanders sat in his iconic mittens at the U.S. presidential inauguration, the meme took off almost immediately because it captured the internet’s collective mood in real-time. Memes that reference current events spread quickly because they latch onto what’s already trending.

- Seasonal Posts: Holiday content, such as Christmas or Halloween-themed posts, has a high likelihood of going viral when timed correctly. Marketers capitalize on seasonal festivities with relevant, timely content that people are naturally drawn to.

- Cultural Movements: Posts that tap into broader cultural conversations, such as sustainability, diversity, or equality, can spread widely, especially if the post contributes meaningfully to the ongoing dialogue. The Black Lives Matter social media movement saw waves of viral posts advocating for justice and equality.

Stay on top of trends and cultural moments that are relevant to your audience. Use tools like Google Trends or Twitter’s trending topics to get a sense of what’s currently hot. Timing is everything, and posting at the right moment can be the difference between a post being ignored or going viral.
Example: Many viral posts are tied to holidays, like Starbucks’ viral red cup campaigns. By timing these around the winter holidays, they tap into seasonal excitement and drive massive shares.
Image credit: Starbucks. 1997 – 2022.

7. Controversy and Debate

While it’s risky, controversial content can spread rapidly. People love to engage in debate, and posts that spark discussions—whether about politics, social issues, or even lighthearted debates—can generate a ton of interaction. However, this can be a double-edged sword, as controversy can also lead to backlash.

Tips for Navigating Controversy:

- Be Ready for Criticism: Controversial content will likely spark debate. Be prepared to handle both positive and negative feedback.

- Keep It Constructive: Frame the debate in a way that invites conversation rather than inciting hostility.

- Align with Brand Values: Make sure any controversial stance you take aligns with your brand’s core values.

8. Call to Action (CTA)

Finally, a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) can significantly boost a post’s virality. Whether you’re encouraging people to share, comment, or participate, a strong CTA guides the audience on what to do next.

Examples of Effective CTAs:

- Hashtags: Hashtags like #ThrowbackThursday or #NoMakeupSelfie have gone viral because they prompt users to contribute their own content. A clear CTA that includes a hashtag gives people a way to join the conversation.

No-Makeup Selfie Instagram
Embracing natural beauty, these stars shine in their #NoMakeupSelfie moments, proving that confidence comes from within.

- Engagement Prompts: Posts that ask for opinions or votes also have viral potential. For example, posts that say, “Tag a friend who needs to see this!” or “Share if you agree!” give readers a nudge to engage actively with the content.

Always include a relevant CTA in your posts. Whether it’s encouraging users to share, comment, or participate in a challenge, make it clear what action you want them to take.

Your Turn… Crafting the Perfect Viral Post

Creating a viral post isn’t about finding a magic formula; it’s about understanding the key elements that make content engaging and shareable. From tapping into emotions and making the content relatable to ensuring visual appeal and timing it right, viral posts are often carefully crafted, even if they seem effortless.

Next time you're planning a post, think about these factors. By considering emotional impact, visual engagement, and simplicity, while encouraging interaction and timely relevance, you'll give your content the best shot at becoming viral. 

Remember, while virality isn’t guaranteed, following these principles will significantly improve your odds of creating content that resonates with your audience and spreads far and wide.

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse maximus ex in molestie mollis. Donec at ex et odio aliquam pharetra a vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Integer feugiat imperdiet varius.

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About the author :

Jenn Pereira, Growth Marketing Lead at designstripe, has 14 years of digital marketing experience and a proven track record of driving website traffic from 0 to over a million monthly visits. Her impressive portfolio of Growth Hack Case Studies demonstrates a systematic approach to achieving goals through creative & innovative ideas, strategic planning, and focused execution.

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