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All You Need To Know About Usability Testing

Proper usability testing can make the difference between successful and unsuccessful products. Learn the basics here.

Jenn Pereira
April 1, 2022
usability testing

Have you ever heard of the term “usability testing”? Or is this your first time to encountering such a term?

As a business owner or a developer, it is important to test your website or app with real people because they'll use it in ways you never thought of.  You might find that something you think is intuitive isn't at all, and vice versa. In today’s world, that is called usability testing.

Usability testing helps you to identify any usability issues that may exist so that they can be fixed before the product is released to the public. Usability tests are typically conducted in a lab setting, where participants are asked to complete specific tasks using the product. By identifying and fixing usability issues early on, companies can save time and money down the road. In addition, a well-designed product is more likely to be successful in the market.

If you're interested in learning more about usability testing, read on! Somewhere in the article will discover how it works and how it can potentially help your business grow.

usability testing tips

Understanding Usability Testing

Simply put, usability testing is a process of measuring how well people can use a product, service, or app. This testing can be done in person or remotely and involves getting feedback from real people about how easy (or hard) your site or app is to use.

By doing usability testing, you can make sure your site or app is user-friendly for everyone who uses it. It helps you understand how your users interact with your product and find problems, should there be any. Usability testing can be conducted at any stage of development, from early prototypes to the final product.

The goal of usability testing is to identify any potential issues with a product before it's released to the public. This can be done through user interviews, surveys, or by observing how users interact with the product. Usability testing helps you understand how users think and behave, which can then be used to make necessary changes to the product.

How It All Started

Usability testing has been around for a long time, but it wasn't always called that. The term was first coined by Jakob Nielsen in the early 1990s, but the practice of evaluating products by testing them on users dates back much further than that. One of the earliest known examples is a study conducted by psychologist William James in 1879, in which he observed people using different types of chairs.

It wasn't until the late 20th century that usability testing began to be recognized as an important part of product development. This is largely due to the work of Jakob Nielsen and his team at the Nielsen Norman Group, who helped popularize the practice and made it more accessible to businesses. Since then, usability testing has become an essential part of creating successful websites and apps.

Today, usability testing is used to assess all sorts of products, from websites and apps to software and hardware. It's a key part of the user-centered design process, and it can help you identify any potential problems with your product before it's released to the public.

Now that you know what usability testing is, and how it became what its now, we will share the different usability testing methods that are being used today. Read on and see which one will be applicable to you.

Usability Testing Methods

There are several different methods of usability testing that can be used, depending on what you want to test and how much time you have. The most common methods are interviews, surveys, and observation.

usability testing tips

1. Interviews

In an interview-based usability test, users are asked questions about their thoughts and feelings while using the product. User interviews are a great way to get feedback from individual users about their experiences with your product. You can ask them questions about what they liked or didn't like, what was confusing or easy to use, and how they would change the product. This method is best for getting feedback from specific users about their individual experiences.

2. Surveys

A survey-based usability test is similar to an interview-based test, but users are instead asked to complete a questionnaire about their thoughts and feelings on the product. Surveys are a good way to get feedback from a larger number of users at once. You can ask users a variety of questions about their experiences with your product and then analyze the results to see what patterns emerge. This type of test is good for getting quantitative data about user satisfaction.

3. Observation

In an observation-based usability test, users are observed while they use the product. This method is useful for identifying how users interact with the product and seeing if there are any potential problems. This can be done in person or remotely and can be combined with other methods like user interviews or surveys.

No matter which type of usability test you choose, it's important to make sure that you're asking the right questions and collecting the right data. By doing so, you can not only improve your product but also your user experience as a whole.

After being familiar with usability testing, the next thing you need to know is the types of usability testing that people often use. This way, you can decide which ones will work for the type of app or website that you are building.

Types of Usability testing

The flexibility of usability testing in evaluating a variety of digital platforms makes it an effective method that provides useful information. Depending on the product's development stage, you may use different kinds of usability testing to get certain insights. The four main types of usability tests are explorative, comparative, assessment, and validation.

 1. Explorative

Explorative usability testing is a type of usability testing that is being used to gather insights about how users interact with a product. This type of testing is usually done early on in the development cycle and is used to identify any potential issues with the product.

During exploratory usability testing, testers are encouraged to explore the product and try out different features. This allows researchers to see how users interact with the product and figure out which features are confusing or easy to use. 

2. Comparative

Comparative usability testing is a type of usability testing that is used to compare how different users interact with two or more versions of the same product. This type of testing is usually done near the end of the development cycle and is being used to identify any differences in how users interact with the different versions of the product.

During comparative usability testing, testers are asked to compare two or more versions of the product. By doing so, the researchers will see how users interact with each version and find out which version is better. 

usability testing

3. Assessment 

Assessment usability testing is a type of usability testing that is used to assess how well a product meets the needs of its users. This type of testing is usually done towards the end of the development cycle.

During assessment usability testing, testers are asked to use the product and then answer questions about their experience. This is how the researchers see how well users are able to use the product and figure out any areas that need refinement.

4. Validation

Validation usability testing is a type of usability testing that is used to validate the usability of a website or an app before it is released to the public. This type of testing is also usually done near the end of the development process.

In this type of usability testing, participants are asked to use the product and then answer questions about their experience. By doing so, the researchers will see if the product is ready for release and figure out any areas where the product still needs improvement.

Guidelines in Doing Usability Tests

usability testing tips

Usability testing can be a very effective way to evaluate a product before it is released to the public. For you to be able to do it correctly, below are a few guidelines that you should follow when doing usability testing.

1. Make sure that you have a clear goal for usability testing. The goal should be specific and measurable, and it should be something that you want to improve with the product.

2. Recruit a diverse group of testers. Testers should represent different age groups, genders, and levels of technical expertise.

3. Create a test plan. The test plan should outline the tasks that testers will be asked to complete, as well as the questions that researchers will ask them afterward.

4. Give testers enough time to explore the product. Testers should be allowed to take their time and ask questions about the product.

5. Observe testers closely. Researchers should watch how users interact with the product and take note of any areas where they experience difficulty.

 6. Collect feedback from testers. Researchers should ask testers for their thoughts on the product and listen to their suggestions for improvement. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your usability testing is effective and informative.

Usability Testing Parameters

 These parameters in usability testing can vary depending on the product or service being tested. However, there are general parameters that researchers typically follow. Some of them are:

1. Simplicity in usage

When conducting usability testing, one of the main things that researchers focus on is ease of use. Testers should be able to navigate through the product without any difficulty. The questions that researchers ask testers typically revolve around how easy it is to use the product and whether or not they had any problems using it.

2. Efficiency

Users should be able to complete their tasks without any difficulty and in a timely manner. Researchers typically focus on questions that pertain to how efficient users are when using the product. Some of the questions are:

  • Can users complete their tasks in a short amount of time?
  • Do they have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to use the product?
  • Do they feel overwhelmed or confused when using the product?
  • Is the product easy to use?

3. Notability

This is an important aspect of usability because it can determine how likely users are to remember the product. If users can't remember the product, then they're not likely to use it again. This is why usability testing should focus on questions like:

  • How easy is it to remember the product?
  • Can users easily recall the product's features?
  • Do they remember what they did with the product?
  • Can users remember where they saw the product?
  • How likely are users to recommend the product to others?
usability testing tips

4. Customer satisfaction

By identifying any areas where the product needs improvement, you can make the necessary changes and improve customer satisfaction. Testers can provide valuable suggestions and ideas that you may not have thought of before. This can help you build a better product that meets the needs of its users.

Why Should You Consider Usability Testing?

By knowing the benefits of usability testing, you will be able to develop a user-centric website or application, that in turn can give the users a good experience.

 So why should you consider usability testing for websites and apps? 

1. Save time and costs

Usability testing can help you save time and resources by identifying any potential issues with the product before it is released to the public. By conducting usability testing, you can ensure that the product is ready for release and that it meets the needs of its users. This can help you avoid any potential problems down the road and save you time and money.

2. Get insights from users

There are always going to be areas of improvement for any product, no matter how well-designed it is. Usability testing allows you to get insights and feedback from users which can help you improve the product. Testers can provide valuable suggestions and ideas that you may not have thought of before.

3. Improve customer satisfaction

If a product is easy to use and meets the needs of its users, then people are more likely to be satisfied with it. By conducting usability testing, you can identify any areas where the product needs improvement and make the necessary changes. This can help you improve customer satisfaction and encourage people to continue using your product.

usability testing tips

4. Generate data-driven decisions

Usability testing provides researchers with data that can help them make informed decisions about the product. This data can help you improve the design of the product and make it more user-friendly. By making data-driven decisions, you can improve the chances of success for your product.

5. Build better products

The ultimate goal of usability testing is to build better products. By identifying user issues and making the necessary changes, you can create a product that is easy to use and meets the needs of its users. This can help you improve customer satisfaction and encourage people to continue using your product.


Usability testing is an important process for understanding how users interact with your product. By identifying potential problems, you can improve the user experience and increase sales. There are many different types of usability tests that fit different purposes, so be sure to select the right one for your needs.

If everything you read in this article sounds interesting to you, then you might want to know more about usability testing and try using it for better appreciation.

Aside from making sure that your website or application will work properly to give customer satisfaction, it is also important to include appealing illustrations and visuals. If you need help in doing so, you can check out DesignStripe, as it has a wide range of templates and tools that you can use to create your own unique designs. With its easy-to-use interface, you can create beautiful designs in just a few minutes, and with minimal design skills.

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Cras imperdiet erat eget molestie iaculis.

Donec ac est malesuada, placerat sapien a, viverra mi. Duis pharetra sem dapibus condimentum gravida. Sed ullamcorper elit tellus, eu vestibulum mi elementum at. Cras in viverra odio. Proin et tempus elit, vitae interdum augue. Phasellus commodo pulvinar erat, sed fermentum tellus faucibus nec.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse maximus ex in molestie mollis. Donec at ex et odio aliquam pharetra a vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Integer feugiat imperdiet varius.

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About the author :

Jenn Pereira, Growth Marketing Lead at designstripe, has 14 years of digital marketing experience and a proven track record of driving website traffic from 0 to over a million monthly visits. Her impressive portfolio of Growth Hack Case Studies demonstrates a systematic approach to achieving goals through creative & innovative ideas, strategic planning, and focused execution.

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