What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram? (in 2024)

Discover the best times to post on Instagram to maximize engagement and reach. Learn how to tailor your posting schedule for optimal visibility & success.

Jenn Pereira
April 15, 2024
What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram

Instagram’s visual nature is perfect for brands to showcase their offerings to a wide audience. Knowing the best time to post on Instagram can greatly boost your business' social media strategy. As a discovery platform for trends, brands, and products, it's key to share high-quality photos and content at the right time to capture potential consumers' attention. 

Are you looking to maximize your engagement rate and reach on Instagram? The timing of your posts can have a significant impact on how many people see your content on social media. But with so many variables to consider, it can be tough to know exactly when the best times to post are.

This blog post will guide you to discover the best time to post on Instagram and help you learn to: 

- Discover the best times to post on Instagram.

- Find the right posting frequency and address the risk of over-posting.

- Boost your content and increase your profile's visibility and engagement, reaching more people with perfect timing.

instagram algorithm

Understanding Instagram's algorithm

Instead of a single system controlling everything you see, Instagram uses various algorithms for different parts of the app, like Feed, Stories, Reels, and Explore. Each tailors content to what the platform thinks you'll be interested in.

The algorithms consider various signals to determine what content to show you. These signals can be broadly categorized into two types:

- About the Post: Information like the caption, hashtags, type of content (image or video), and how quickly it gains engagement (likes, comments, shares, saves).

- About the User: Your past activity on Instagram, such as what you like and engage with, who you follow, and even how much time you spend viewing a post.

Instagram's algorithm rewards engaging content, timely posts for your audience, and a consistent brand identity to maximize reach. Here are three other important factors to consider:

- Engagement: The algorithm prioritizes content that gets people interacting. The more likes, comments, shares, and saves your post gets, the higher the chances it will be shown to more users.

Timeliness: Posting when your audience is most active can significantly boost visibility. Know your audience's demographics and time zones to maximize reach.

- Relevance: The algorithm favors content relevant to your audience's interests. Posting consistently with a clear brand identity helps the algorithm understand what your content is about and who it should be shown to.

The algorithm is constantly evolving, so staying updated on Instagram trends and audience insights is essential. Analyze your post performance and adapt your strategy accordingly.

How posting frequency affects Instagram's algorithm

The frequency of your posts on Instagram can directly influence how the platform's algorithm treats your content. Regular posting can signal to the algorithm that your account is consistently active, potentially boosting your overall visibility. However, it's important to balance quantity with quality.

frequency of your posts on Instagram

Over-posting can lead to content saturation, which might annoy your followers and lead to unfollows or decreased engagement. The algorithm tends to favor accounts that post frequently enough to stay relevant but not so much that they overwhelm their audience. Ideally, aim to post a few times a week to maintain a presence in your followers' feeds without overdoing it.

Pay attention to your engagement rates to find a posting frequency that keeps your audience interested and engaged. This approach helps ensure your content remains favorable to Instagram's algorithm.

The ideal days for Instagram posting

Wondering if you can identify the best days to post on Instagram? The answer is a clear YES. Here's a quick analysis of the best days to post and why they work:

- Mondays: 9 AM to 10 AM PST - Capture attention as people start the workweek.

- Tuesdays: 9 AM to 10 AM PST - Reach people while they're still productive and engaged.

- Wednesdays: 5 AM, 11 AM, and 3 PM PST - Target early birds, mid-morning scrollers, and those fighting the afternoon slump.

- Thursdays: 12 PM and 5 PM PST - Catch people during lunch break and as they wind down from the workday. (Best Day for Engagement)

- Fridays: 9 AM to 10 AM PST and 5 PM to 6 PM PST - Grab attention as people look for distractions before the weekend.

- Saturdays: 8 AM to 12 PM PST - People are scrolling Instagram during relaxed Saturday mornings.

- Sundays: 10 AM to 2 PM PST - Reach people enjoying their weekend mornings or afternoons.

Important Note: These are general recommendations in Pacific Standard Time (PST). It's always best to test and see what works best for your specific audience, considering their location and timezone.

Reels & Stories: Ideal times for Reels and Stories can vary based on audience and content type. Use these as starting points and test for the best results.

Finding the best time to post on Instagram can vary on the specific industry, geographic location, and target demographics. There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but you can discover what works best for your business.

Day Time Why it Works
Monday 9 AM - 10 AM Capture attention as people start the workweek.
Tuesday 9 AM - 10 AM Reach people while they're still productive and engaged.
Wednesday 5 AM, 11 AM, 3 PM Target early birds, mid-morning scrollers, and those fighting the afternoon slump.
Thursday 12 PM & 5 PM (Best Day for Engagement) Catch people during lunch break and as they wind down from the workday.
Friday 9 AM - 10 AM & 5 PM - 6 PM Grab attention as people look for distractions before the weekend.
Saturday 8 AM - 12 PM People are scrolling Instagram during relaxed Saturday mornings.
Sunday 10 AM - 2 PM Reach people enjoying their weekend mornings or afternoons.

5 tips to identify the best time to post on Instagram

Understanding the best times to post on Instagram can significantly boost your content's reach and engagement. The optimal posting times can vary based on factors like your audience's timezone, their daily habits, and the day of the week. Here are 5 strategic tips to help you identify the best time to post on Instagram:  

1. Analyze your audience's activity

Understanding when your audience is most active on Instagram can help you post at times when they are most likely to see and engage with your content.

Analyze your audience activity Instagram Insight

Let's say you run an Instagram account for a fitness brand. By using Instagram Insights, you notice that your audience is most active between 6 PM and 9 PM on weekdays. This makes sense because many people might check Instagram after work or post-gym sessions. Armed with this information, you can schedule your posts during these peak hours to ensure maximum visibility and engagement.

2. Consider different time zones

If your audience is spread across multiple time zones, you need to take this into account to reach the largest number of followers at the optimal times.

Imagine you manage an Instagram account for an international travel agency. Your followers are from the United States, Europe, and Asia. By analyzing the time zones, you decide to post at 9 AM PST (which is 5 PM in London and 1 AM in Tokyo). This timing allows you to capture morning engagement in the US, evening engagement in Europe, and late-night engagement in Asia.

3. Personalize your post timing

Don't just follow generic advice! After analyzing your unique audience using Instagram Insights. See which days and times they're most active and tailor your posting schedule accordingly. Consider time zones and content type (motivational for mornings, funny for weekends). Experiment and track results to refine your strategy.

Personalize Your Post Timing on Instagram

Here's a simple example - for a month, try posting at different times:

  • Weekday mornings (8 AM PST)
  • Weekday afternoons (1 PM PST)
  • Weekday evenings (6 PM PST)
  • Weekends (various times)

Here's how to do it:

1. Create a posting schedule with varied times.

2. Use Instagram Insights to track engagement metrics (likes, comments, shares).

3. Analyze which times generate the highest engagement.

Experimenting with different times helps pinpoint the most effective moments for reaching and engaging your audience.

4. Pay attention to top-performing posts

Want fast results? Analyze your top-performing posts to see any common timing patterns. These are likely peak hours for your audience. Leverage popular features like Stories and Reels, which might have different peak times than traditional posts.

For example, assume you run a food blog on Instagram. You notice that posts featuring quick recipes receive more engagement during weekdays around lunch hours (12 PM - 2 PM), while elaborate dinner recipes get more engagement in the evenings (7 PM - 9 PM). By paying attention to these patterns, you can strategically schedule your posts to match these engagement times.

Finally, engage directly with your audience! Use polls or messages to ask when they prefer to see your content.

Instagram Insights - top performing posts

5. Adjust based on performance

Continuously analyzing and adjusting your posting strategy based on performance metrics ensures you stay aligned with your audience's preferences.

If you notice a drop in engagement on your Instagram posts, you might want to review your posting times and content type. After analysis, you find that Reels and marketing tips posted early in the morning (6 AM - 8 AM) perform better than those posted later in the day. You then adjust your schedule to post more early morning content.

Implementing these strategies will help you identify the best time to post on Instagram, ensuring your content reaches and resonates with your audience effectively.

Quick wins for the best time to post on Instagram

Here are the key takeaways about the best time to post on Instagram:

- Test to find your own best time: While general guidelines exist, it's best to experiment and see what works for your audience.

- General recommendations for beginners:

  • Weekdays are generally better than weekends.
  • Post before/after work hours (6-9 AM, 5-6 PM).
  • Post during lunch break (12-2 PM).

Weekends: Engagement tends to be lower, but you can still post before 2 PM.

Other studies suggest:

- Later: 9 AM to 11 PM Eastern Time (ET).

- Hubspot: 2-3 PM Central Time (CT) on Thursdays.

- SproutSocial: 11 AM on Wednesdays, 10-11 AM Fridays.

- Search Engine Journal: 11 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, 2 PM on Tuesdays.

Best time to post on Instagram by industry

Industry Weekdays Weekends Best Days
Travel & Tourism 10 AM - 12 PM, 7 PM - 9 PM 9 AM - 11 AM, 4 PM - 6 PM Tues, Wed
Fashion & Apparel 12 PM - 2 PM, 7 PM - 9 PM 9 AM - 11 AM, 5 PM - 7 PM Weekends (Sat)
Fitness & Wellness 6 AM - 8 AM, 5 PM - 7 PM 8 AM - 10 AM, 4 PM - 6 PM Tues, Wed
Food & Beverage 12 PM - 2 PM 5 PM - 7 PM Fri, Sat, Sun
Digital Marketing/Social Media 9 AM - 11 AM, 1 PM - 3 PM Limited (10 AM - 12 PM) Mon - Thurs
IT Brands 10 AM - 12 PM 1 PM - 3 PM Tues, Wed, Thurs

Note: All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST) per Socialpilot.co.

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Cras imperdiet erat eget molestie iaculis.

Donec ac est malesuada, placerat sapien a, viverra mi. Duis pharetra sem dapibus condimentum gravida. Sed ullamcorper elit tellus, eu vestibulum mi elementum at. Cras in viverra odio. Proin et tempus elit, vitae interdum augue. Phasellus commodo pulvinar erat, sed fermentum tellus faucibus nec.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse maximus ex in molestie mollis. Donec at ex et odio aliquam pharetra a vitae ligula. Nulla facilisi. Integer feugiat imperdiet varius.

Cras in viverra odio. Proin et tempus elit, vitae interdum augue. Phasellus commodo pulvinar erat, sed fermentum tellus faucibus nec.Pellentesque lacinia felis vel ligula pulvinar volutpat. Donec ultricies lectus nec turpis tincidunt, sed molestie sem gravida.

About the author :

Jenn Pereira, Growth Marketing Lead at designstripe, has 14 years of digital marketing experience and a proven track record of driving website traffic from 0 to over a million monthly visits. Her impressive portfolio of Growth Hack Case Studies demonstrates a systematic approach to achieving goals through creative & innovative ideas, strategic planning, and focused execution.

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