Customize Illustrations

Create your First Illustration in 5 Minutes.

Access hundreds of scenes and objects as a starting point for your illustrations. Customize them easily using our powerful editor.

Unlimited Combinations

Create personalized illustrations by accessing thousands of combinations of scenes and objects.

Multiple Styles

Find scenes in multiple styles as well as four sub-styles to create your own custom design.

An Ever-Growing Library

Customize any illustration in our editor, with an expanding library of topics that’s constantly updated, every single week.

Create customized illustrations.
Achieve a personalized style.

There’s different styles to choose, all with their own personality. Youthful, Funky and Bubbly are more playful styles, where Abstract, Techno and Offbeat are more fluid. There’s also the warmth of Mellow and the sensibility of Classy. Also, don’t forget Cheerful, which is free for you to customize your illustration.

How it works

Create your own custom design, without having to start from scratch.

Multiple Styles
Stay on brand. Choose your illustration. Be the best version of you.
Select from images in 9 styles and substyles to create visuals that match your brand, every single time.

How it works

Create your own custom design, without having to start from scratch.

Multiple Styles
Stay on brand. Choose your illustration. Be the best version of you.
Select from images in 9 styles and substyles to create visuals that match your brand, every single time.

Getting Started

There’s thousands of scenes that work as a starting point for creating the illustration you need.

Brand Color Palettes
Create a smart color palette to see your brand in every illustration
Generate multiple color palettes for illustrations that reflect your brand colors. Save your palettes ready for any future illustrations that you use.

How to use Designstripe

Our ready-to-use scenes are a great starting point to create your own on-brand illustrations

Scene detail
Sub-styles within styles!
Choose the perfect look and feel to match your brand, easily changing the illustration style with one slider

Everything you need to create

Use our powerful, fun tools to create custom illustrations in seconds - even if you’re not a designer.

Look & Feel
Sub-styles within styles!
Choose the perfect look and feel to match your brand, easily changing the illustration style with one slider

Get started in just a few minutes

Create your own on-brand illustrations using our ready-to-use scenes. Make them personal by using our editor.

Save and Export
Save and export your illustrations quickly to use them in your projects.
Create multiple named versions of your illustrations to share with your team. Export your creations in SVG for further edits, such as mockup creation. Or, export as PNG and JPG, perfect to add to mockups or just to use as they are.

Here’s What Others Have Created

See how others have used our illustrations to create their own designs, ranging from mobile apps through to social media graphics. Check out our license policy to learn more about where you can use your illustrations.

Learning together
Matthew S.
Health and medical
Matthew S.
Staff Pick
Matthew S.
Matthew S.