5 Social Media Mistakes Killing Your Small Business Growth

Avoid these common social media mistakes that are killing your small business growth. Learn quick fixes to boost your online presence and engagement.

Jenn Pereira
September 2, 2024
Social Media Mistakes Killing Your Small Business Growth

Are you struggling to see meaningful results from your social media efforts? It’s frustrating to pour time and energy into growing your small business online, only to feel like you’re shouting into the void. Making common social media mistakes can be one of the main reasons small businesses fail to reach their growth potential.

Social media is a powerful tool, but only if used correctly. Studies show that 70% of small businesses use social media to promote their products or services, yet many still see stagnant growth. 

In this post, we'll dive into the top five social media mistakes that could be holding your business back and, most importantly, how to fix them.

1. Lack of a Clear Social Media Strategy

One of the most significant social media mistakes small businesses make is jumping in without a clear strategy. Many business owners set up accounts on multiple platforms and post inconsistently, hoping to gain traction. This lack of direction often leads to confusing messaging, ineffective campaigns, and wasted resources.

Here's how to get on the right track:

- Set your social media goals: Think about what you want to accomplish with your social media presence. Are you aiming to boost brand awareness, drive more traffic to your website, or generate leads?

- Define your target audience: Consider demographics, interests, and online behaviors to tailor your content to the right people.

- Choose the right platforms: Select social media platforms that align with your target audience and business objectives (e.g., Instagram for visual content, LinkedIn for B2B).

- Create a social media calendar: Plan your posts in advance to ensure consistent and cohesive messaging.

- Track performance: Use analytics tools to keep an eye on your social media metrics, see how you're doing, and tweak your strategy based on what the data says.

Without a well-thought-out social media strategy, your efforts can lack focus and coherence. You might find yourself using platforms that don’t quite match your business goals or target audience, or creating content that doesn’t fully engage your followers. This approach can also make it tricky to measure success since there aren’t clear benchmarks or objectives to follow.

2. Inconsistent Posting Schedule

One of the most common social media mistakes small businesses make is posting inconsistently. Whether it’s going silent for weeks or posting in a burst and then disappearing again, inconsistent posting confuses your audience and lowers engagement. People expect regular updates from the brands they follow. If you're inconsistent, you risk losing followers and falling off their radar.

Solution: create a social media calendar:

  • Plan out your posts weekly or monthly.
  • Use social media management tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts in advance.
  • Aim to post at least 3-4 times a week on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and daily on Twitter.

Here are the best recommended times to post on social media:

3. Ignoring Audience Engagement

Some small businesses treat social media as a one-way street, failing to respond to comments, direct messages, or mentions. This lack of interaction can create a barrier between your brand and your customers.

How to engage actively with your audience:

- Respond to comments and messages: Regularly check your social media accounts for comments, direct messages, and mentions, and reply promptly.

- Show appreciation: Like and acknowledge comments from your followers to show that you value their interaction.

- Encourage conversations: Ask questions in your posts and invite feedback to foster interaction.

- Use interactive content: Use polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions to engage your audience actively.

- Allocate time daily for engagement: Set aside specific times each day to interact with your followers to keep the conversation going.

Social media is all about building relationships and a community. Ignoring engagement opportunities can make your followers feel undervalued and disconnected from your brand. This can lead to a decline in loyalty and trust, which are essential for customer retention and word-of-mouth marketing. Moreover, social media algorithms favor content that generates engagement, meaning that ignoring your audience can also reduce your content’s visibility and reach.

4. Focusing Only on Self-Promotion

Constantly pushing sales messages and promotional content is another prevalent social media mistake among small businesses. While it's natural to want to showcase your products or services, a feed filled with nothing but sales pitches can alienate your audience and reduce engagement.

Here's how to create content that connects:

- Follow the 80/20 rule: Ensure that 80% of your content provides value (informative, entertaining, engaging), and only 20% is promotional.

- Or adopt a 70-20-10 Rule: 70% of your content should provide value (tips, industry news, entertaining content). 20% should be shared content (user-generated content, industry insights). 10% can be promotional (offers, product launches, sales).

- Share valuable content: Post industry news, how-to guides, customer testimonials, and educational content that adds value to your audience.

- Tell stories: Use storytelling to connect emotionally with your audience and make your brand more relatable.

- Show behind-the-scenes content: Give followers a peek behind the curtain of your business to humanize your brand.

- Highlight customer success stories: Showcase how your products or services have positively impacted customers, offering a more authentic form of promotion.

People use social media for entertainment, connection, and information. If every post you share is a sales pitch, your audience may feel overwhelmed or even annoyed. This can result in lower engagement rates, as followers may start ignoring your posts or, worse, unfollowing your accounts. Platforms may also deprioritize overly promotional content, reducing its reach.

5. Inconsistent Branding Across Platforms

Inconsistent branding. If your brand isn't consistent across social media, it can confuse your audience. Make sure your logos, color schemes, and messaging are spot on.

Not having a clear brand voice. If your brand voice is all over the place, it can mislead your audience. Jumping from super formal to extremely casual can feel fake. Your brand voice should consistently match your business's personality and values across all social media channels.

Here’s how to develop and stick to a consistent brand voice:

  • Establish brand guidelines - define your logo, color palette, fonts, and style for all platforms.
  • Use a consistent tone of voice that reflects your brand’s personality.
  • Maintain visual consistency with profile pictures and design elements.
  • Craft unified messaging aligned with your brand’s mission and values.
  • Regularly review your profiles for consistency and make updates as needed.
  • Train your team to understand and use your brand voice.

Keeping your branding consistent is key for building trust and recognition. When things get inconsistent, it creates a mixed experience that can hurt your credibility and professionalism. If your brand looks different across social media platforms, customers might find it hard to connect, which weakens your brand identity and makes your marketing less effective.

Your Turn…

Avoiding common social media mistakes is key to growing your small business. Here are some key points to take note: 

- Develop a clear social media strategy: Set specific goals, know your target audience, and pick the right platforms. Plan your content ahead and use analytics to track your progress.

- Keep a consistent posting schedule: Use a content calendar and scheduling tools to post regularly. Consistency builds trust and keeps your brand in your audience’s sight.

- Engage actively with your audience: Reply to comments and messages. Use interactive stuff like polls and Q&A sessions to spark conversations and build community.

- Balance your content: Follow the 70-20-10 rule to blend valuable, engaging, and promotional content. Share industry insights, tips, and customer stories to keep your audience hooked.

- Ensure consistent branding: Keep a consistent tone, style, and visual identity across all social media platforms to create a cohesive and recognizable brand.

- Track and analyze your performance: Keep an eye on key metrics like engagement rates, reach, and follower growth. Data analysis helps you figure out what works and what doesn’t, making sure you optimize your strategy for better outcomes. Without insights, you might end up wasting resources on ineffective campaigns, leading to stagnant growth and poor ROI.

By implementing these steps, you can avoid common social media mistakes, enhance your online presence, and achieve better business results.

Overcome social media posting struggles and brand inconsistency with designstripe!

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Try designstripe today and elevate your social media presence!

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About the author :

Jenn Pereira, Growth Marketing Lead at designstripe, has 14 years of digital marketing experience and a proven track record of driving website traffic from 0 to over a million monthly visits. Her impressive portfolio of Growth Hack Case Studies demonstrates a systematic approach to achieving goals through creative & innovative ideas, strategic planning, and focused execution.

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