Illustrations of shopping label

Spine Of Physics Book
Spine Of Math Book
Thin Package
Bottle With Dropper Cap
Wine Bottle
Wine Bottle
Glass Liquor Bottle
Beer Bottle
Baguettes In Basket
Cakes With Label
Wine Bottle
Closed Pill Bottle Or Container
Garbage Can For Paper
Vial With Label
Wine Bottle
Coffee Bag
Small Jar
Two Bags With Labels
Soda Bottle
Jar With Blank Label
Box With Tape
Bottle With Screw-Top And Label
Dance Music Sign
Funk Music Sign
Rock Music Sign
Rap Music Sign
Pop Music Sign
Indie Music Sign
Jazz Music Sign
Metal Music Sign
Capped Bottle
Metal Can
Spiral Notebook With Label
Bottle With Pump And Label
Box With Stripe And Oval
Glass Bottle With Label
Math Textbook
Closed Bottle
Plastic Bottle
Bread Loaves In Basket
Bread Loaves In Basket
Takeaway Cup
Bread Loaves In Basket
Tall Half-Full Bottle
Bottle Of Alcohol
Garbage Can For Toxic Waste
Taped Box
Bottle With Label And Cork
Bottle With Long Neck
Bottle With Pump And Label
Closed Curved Bottle With Label
Small Jar With Star Label
Champagne Bottle
Glass Bottle With Label
Simple Wine Bottle
Garbage Can For Plastic Bottles